Thursday, November 17, 2011

Summer Officially Ends Tomorrow

Waste not want not.  I like to think I live by this motto, otherwise it would be hard to explain all the stuff I hang onto to use later.  I've discussed that problem here so we don't have to go there again.  I have also talked about my obsession love of tomatoes.  So I have to give an update.

I am happy to report that we have been enjoying wonderful tomatoes since July.  We have had several frosts but I managed to baby my tomatoes and we limped on.  Until last week, that is, when we had a couple of freezes. That ended all hope of the 4 dozen or better green tomatoes still on the vine without ever maturing :(   Thankfully I pulled about 3 dozen ripe tomatoes before the freeze.  Staying true to my motto, I couldn't let any of them go to waste so...

First, I had my final bologna sandwich of the season :(    Yes it was a sad day.   I followed that up with this sandwich ring. 

This sandwich is usually relegated to our winter menu (it is great for football days) and never experiences sporting fresh tomatoes.  Oh my goodness, it was incredible!  Now I have probably ruined this sandwich for all of us unless it is tomato season. 

Then I used all the itty bitty maters for some fresh salsa.  Yummy....Mini and I have eaten way too much of this all summer.

As of tomorrow when I decide how to use the last 4 tomatoes, summer will have officially ended here.  I'm so glad it worked out that way since it seems a little weird to be planning my Thanksgiving menu while eating tomato sandwiches!


  1. My kinda girl!!! I too, looovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveee tomatoes! I eat them every day. Even the 'bought' ones. :0) It's always a sad day when the season for fresh ones is over. :( I feel your pain!

  2. Those sandwiches look to die for. kinda sad summer is over,but then again, I love season changes.


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