Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tomato Love

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a fool for a homegrown tomato.  I literally dream of those glorious weeks here in the South that the tomatoes come in.  Last year we were fortunate to be able to spend 2 weeks in Hawaii with my buddy Sherry and I spent about half of a wonderful trip mourning the fact that I was missing peak tomato time.  I told you I was a fool for a tomato!   I was fortunate to grow up with grandparents that had huge gardens and were willing to share but as they have aged or passed on the free tomato train I was riding ground to a stop.  This year while Wonder Hubby and I started the process of revamping our tired landscaping I mentioned whined several times about wishing we had a suitable garden spot.  Being the sweetheart that he is, Wonder Hubby suggested that I plant a couple of tomatoes in the back area of one new bed.  Well you don't have to tell this girl twice....I was outta here and at one of my favorite spots, The Plant Ranch, purchasing some beautiful Celebrity tomato plants.

Almost as tall as the Crepe Myrtle
I have love, enjoyed, struggled with keeping these babies going this summer.  Things were going well at first with me bragging to everyone about my beautiful they say pride goeth before the fall...and then the first of the plagues struck. Wonder Hubby pointed out something was up with my plants as the tops were now just bare sprigs...drats!!   First I battled worms (eww..they were nasty) with my trusty Sevin Dust  that seemed to do the trick. Just as I let down my guard and soon began to find  chewed on areas on the tomatoes on the vines and green tomatoes in randomly in the yard.  It wasn't until I was relaxing on the deck one evening that I watch a sweet demented squirrel carry something up a tree, turn upside down, and watch me while it ate.  Shortly thereafter the aforementioned, something dropped to the ground.  Upon inspection I discovered my chewed green tomato.   Since then I have also waged war with chipmunks, rabbits and deer.  I have worn out Google looking for the best weapons in this war and decided that the best method would be to use them all (you know if a little helps a lot will be better).   First I wrapped the base of each with aluminum foil which is supposed to keep the worms from being able to climb the plant.  Next I added human hair (thankfully Wonder Hubby was due for a trim and brought home the clippings), then dish detergent with red pepper in rings around each plant.  Next up was vinegar soaked rags and moth balls and finally acting on a tip from a local farmer I added a small bucket of water near the plants.  Thankfully my vigilance near insane patrolling of the vegetable patch has paid off and I'm now enjoying the fruits of my labors.  My plants are as tall as my new Crepe Myrtle (I'm guessing Wonder Hubby didn't figure on my impressive green thumb) and they are still growing!
Aren't they beautiful?

  We have enjoyed tomato sandwiches, stuffed tomatoes and fresh pasta sauces as well as fresh sliced tomatoes with almost every meal and hopefully will be able to for several weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Since it's war, let me know if you need some Army face paint and some cammo! :)


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